About Us


This website/blog was started and is maintained with the intent of expressing opinion and reporting items of interest related to rights and liberty issues in the USA and around the world. Some of the information may be in the form of video, newspaper. television, blog posts or interview. This information, at times may not be conclusive in content but we will try to gather as much information available to give as informed a view as possible. Feel free to investigate information on your own and make your own opinion based on facts you gather. Keep in mind when viewing youtube videos, blog posts, or even main stream media reports that they may in fact be biased. Always try to make you own opinion from as many facts that you can obtain.

In some other media sites pertaining to liberty issues it has become popular to “bash” law enforcement and other public servants based on the presentation of members of that community who have acted in a less than professional manner. While it is important to single out the bad apples in any particular profession, it is totally unfair to paint the entire profession with the same brush. Try to keep an open mind with relationship to their profession as a whole. Everyone has an important job to do in relationship to our liberties and freedom. That extends through the government, military, police and normal citizenry.

If you have any additional information pertaining to any posting that you view here, feel free to contact us with that information via our contact form. Contrary opinions are also welcomed in the same manner as long as they are constructive and considerate.

Finally . . . .

Some of our articles will be open for discussion via comments. If you are the type of person who can not make a reasonable comment with constructive criticism, you will probable not be heard. We do not intend to keep you from making a reasonable statement as long as it has merit and is done in good taste.


As of this writing the persons contributing to this website have a varied background as a regular citizen and in the military and law enforcement arena. We hope to provide a constructive approach to the way information is presented.